Diogelu ~ Safeguarding

"Cyfrifoldeb pawb yw diogelu"

Mae'n ddyletswydd ar bawb i fod yn effro i bryderon ynghylch cam-drin ac esgeuluso plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion, a gwybod i bwy y dylen nhw roi gwybod am eu pryderon.

Os ydych chi'n pryderu bod plentyn, person ifanc neu oedolyn yn cael ei gam-drin neu ei esgeuluso, rhaid i chi roi gwybod am eich pryderon chi i'ch Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth, Cyngor a Chymorth lleol isod:

Rhoi gwybod am blentyn neu berson ifanc sydd mewn perygl:
Ffôn: 0808 100 1727

Rhoi gwybod am oedolyn sydd mewn perygl:
Ffôn: 0808 100 2500

Ar ôl 5pm ac ar benwythnosau a gwyliau banc, cysylltwch â Thîm Dyletswydd Argyfwng De-ddwyrain Cymru ar 0800 328 4432.

Os ydych chi'n meddwl bod plentyn, person ifanc neu oedolyn mewn perygl dybryd, cysylltwch â'r heddlu ar 999

Gallwch chi hefyd gysylltu â'r NSPCC ar 0808 800 5000 am gyngor ar bryderon diogelu.

Rhowch wybod i’r Gymdeithas Tennis Lawnt (LTA) hefyd am unrhyw bryderon trwy ddefnyddio ein ffurflen ddiogel sydd i’w chael yn www.lta.org.uk/safeguarding


“Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility"

Everyone has a duty to be alert to concerns about the abuse and neglect of children, young people and adults and know to whom they should report their concerns.

If you are worried that a child, young person or adult is being abused or neglected you must report your concerns to your local Information, Advice and Assistance Service below:

Report a Child or Young Person at risk:
Tel: 0808 100 1727
Email: contactandreferral@caerphilly.gov.uk

Report an Adult at risk:
Tel: 0808 100 2500
Email: IAAAdults@caerphilly.gov.uk

After 5pm and on weekends and bank holidays please contact the South East Wales Emergency Duty Team on 0800 328 4432.

If you think a child, young person or adult is in immediate danger then contact the Police on 999”

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 for advice about safeguarding concerns.

Please also let the LTA know of any concerns by using our secure form which can be found at www.lta.org.uk/safeguarding 


Cysylltiadau o gymorth ~ Supportive Links

Mental Health Foundation
NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport
NSPCC - Main Site  / Tel: 0808 800 5000
Rights of the Child
Safe to Play Tennis
Young Minds
Samaritans Wales
Mind - Mental Health & Well-being
Mind - Main Site