Hi everyone, 

Welcome  to the official 2025 season of coaching! I just wanted to say a big thank you to all parents and guardians for supporting their children last year in their tennis journey, it was a fantastic first year for me as I got to know everyone and I thank everyone for trusting me as the new coach. I'm really looking forward to this year on court, and hopefully everyone else is too! 

Please find below a few details for the coming blocks. This includes any important information regarding sessions, on / off-court standards, and any further information. As always, if anyone has any questions then please don't hesitate to ask via email. 


  1.  As we are still getting regular cold weather, please make sure your child comes prepared for the conditions. This includes appropriate footwear and appropriate warm clothing; hat, gloves, tracksuit bottoms and jackets / jumpers. 
  2. Once again, some sessions may get cancelled on the day if the conditions are not appropriate or safe to run. I'll see if I can find a better system than adding sessions to the end of the block as it tends to get a bit confusing to keep track of. I'll update everyone if this happens!
  3.  I know that most children get picked up after the sessions and some walk home on their own or with friends/siblings, but as the nights are still a bit dark I just want to make a point about safety. There is little lighting outside of the courts and through the top of Victoria Park, so if your child walks home without a parent/guardian then please let me know in advance in either an email or hand-written note saying they have permission to do so.
  4. I plan to get a whatsapp group set up for each session so we can exchange any messages regarding the sessions. I have found this to be a preferable method of communication for a lot of people (including myself) instead of emails so once everything settles in I'll look to get those set up!
  5. I know some players may have birthdays during the block which MAY mean they are the age required for an older class. If this is the case and you are unsure what to do, then please send an email and we can discuss what the best course of action for your child will be. Some players may want to stay in the same class so they aren't split up from friends, some may not feel confident to move up etc. 
  6. Easter and Summer camps will occur once I get days, times and staff organised. All details regarding camps will be communicated closer to the time, so keep an eye out! 
  7. I'm keen to get some development squads started and league teams playing in the summer league, so any information in relation to either topic will be communicated also when I can get details finalised. 


Finally, I just want to make a point about on-and-off-court standards as well. The following is what I expect from a group of players during a session:

  1. All players will respect one another and the coach while on or off the court. A good level of sportsmanship must be shown at all times while playing. 
  2. No bullying or name calling while on court.
  3. The players will respect all equipment used and not thrown or stood on.
  4. The clubhouse is to be kept tidy, so it must be left as it is found.
  5. The courts are not to be drawn on with rackets as this can cause damage to the courts.
  6. Any instructions given to the players by the coach must be followed quickly and safely.
  7. If a player is seen to be doing something dangerous during a session that affects themselves or someone else, they will be sent off for the rest of the session and the parent will be spoken to directly about these actions. 


I hope this is all okay, and I appreciate you taking the time to read it through. Looking forward to starting the next block! 

Callum Simpson