Hi everyone,

Apologies for the delay in getting the next block up. Please take the time to read the below information about the next block. I thought it best to give everyone a heads up about a few things before this next block takes place just in case. If anyone has any questions, or needs any clarification on any of the points made below, then please dont hesitate to contact me. 


  1.  PLEASE NOTE that the sessions will begin on the TUESDAY 12TH NOVEMBER and FRIDAY 15TH NOVEMBER. It was originally planned to start the Friday sessions on the 8th of November, however I'm travelling that day as I have my Level 3 coaching course on the 9th and 10th so I won't be available.
  2.  As it is coming into the even colder time of year, sessions MAY get cancelled on the day if the conditions are unsafe. I've been told the courts are okay if they are frosty, but snow will make it impossible to play so I'll do what I can to find out the condition of the courts. Even if the courts are playable, I am travelling from Earlston and the roads may be unsafe to drive on which will cause a full-day cancellation. 
  3. If any sessions do get cancelled during this block, then they will be pushed into January next year. It will still be a full 8-session block, however i'm planning to finish up on Tuesday the 17th and Friday the 20th of December so there will be at least two sessions left in the block when January comes. A continuation date for January will be communicated closer to the time once I feel it is safe to continue. 
  4.  I know that most children get picked up after the sessions and some walk home on their own or with friends/siblings, but as the darker nights are coming I just want to make a point about safety. There is very little lighting outside of the courts and through the top of Victoria Park, so if your child walks home without a parent/guardian then please let me know in advance in either an email or hand-written note saying they have permission to do so. 
  5. Finally, I just want to make a small point about on-and-off-court standards as well. The following is what I expect from a group of players during a session: All players will respect one another and the coach while on or off the court. A good level of sportsmanship must be shown at all times while playing. The players will respect all equipment used and not thrown or stood on. The clubhouse is to be kept tidy, so it must be left as it is found. The courts are not to be drawn on with rackets as this can cause damage to the courts. Any instructions given to the players by the coach must be followed quickly and safely. 


I hope this is all okay, and I appreciate you taking the time to read it through. Looking forward to starting the next block! 

Callum Simpson