Summer Tennis Camps 2024 - Week 4

About the Camps

Recommended for ages 4 to 12.

Coach: Ashley Horsman

We are very pleased to announce that Ace Coaching will be running Summer Holiday Tennis Camps at Cheam Tennis Club for kids aged 4 to 11. Our specially trained coaches will ensure each and every kid has a great tennis experience within an inclusive and fun environment. Whether your child is a complete beginner, an expert, or somewhere in between, we want to make it possible for anyone to enjoy tennis. You do not need to be a member of Cheam Tennis Club to participate in tennis camps, but there is a member discount available. This week is Tropical Beach Week! On the Friday, wear bright colours, a flower necklace or a Hawaiian shirt. Be imaginative, but it must be appropriate to play tennis in. Prizes will be on offer for creativity.

A member discount of 10.0% and a sibling discount of 15.0% are available and will be applied at the next step.

Choose your sessions from the available times below.
Please check that there are enough spaces available before you continue.