Can I try before I join?

Yes, prospective members are always welcome to join us at a club session before committing to the club. Just come along on a Tuesday or Friday evening at 6pm, or Sunday morning at 10am, and introduce yourself. We also have a temporary one month membership if you would like to try a trial period before joining for the rest of the year.

If you are new to tennis why not contact Peter Evans our Head Coach about coaching sessions for beginners. See our coaching page for more details..

Do I get automatic membership of the LTA?

You have to opt in to membership.  You can do this by going to www.lta.org.uk/membership, and following the instructions for Club members.

When are memberships renewed?

Membership runs from the beginning of April until the end of March. Memberships are renewed in the March preceding the memberhsip year.

Can I play as a visitor or members guest?

Yes, you can play up to 4 times at a club session or with a member, before being required to join. Adult visitors must pay a levy of £5 for each time you play and juniors £2.50. This fee should be paid before playing into the box in the club room or may be paid by bank transfer into the club bank account.  Please ask the Membership Secretary for details.  

Do I pay less if I join part way through the year?

Yes, we have reduced fees for all Adult members.  Members joining after the commencement of the playing year (1st April) may pay a reduced subscription calculated on a quarterly basis. This concession shall not apply to former Club Members unless six calendar months have elapsed since their former membership expired. The reduced fees can be found here.

Is there a discount for couples?

Yes, there is a £20 discount for each member of a couple joining as full time members.

Is there a discount for students?

Students are included in the new Young Adults category if you are aged between 18 and 24 years on 1st April.

When can I play?

Full time members can participate in all Club sessions. You are eligible to play in League Matches and Club Competitions. For private play use of courts depends on availability and courts should be booked via Clubspark. Club sessions, coaching and matches take priority. Individual coaching usually takes 1-2 courts during the day, and more courts may be needed for groups from 3-7pm in the afternoons.

Matches are usually played on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from April until the beginning of August, and Club Sessions take place on a Tuesday and Friday evening at 6pm and Sunday morning at 10am. There may be some availability at 8pm.

Off Peak members can participate in Sunday morning club sessions. They can play until 5pm and anytime on weekends, when the courts are not in use for Club sessions, matches or competitions. Daytime and weekends are the quietest times, but there is coaching on a Saturday morning for Juniors. To check court usage go to the booking page on Clubspark.