Membership 2025

Dear Member/ New member

We have different sections of membership;

  • Single 
  • Couple 
  • Family 
  • Over 65 
  • Over 80s (Free if already member of the Club) 
  • Student
  • Junior and mini 

If you are a New Member,  scroll down to your Category and book online

2025  subscriptions  are due by  1st April 2025 as shown below. 

Payment may be by either

  1. GoCardless - register to pay on line  by specifying your bank sort code and account no. with your payment processed as a direct debit or
  2. Bank transfer to Santander for "Chipstead Hard Court Tennis Club Ltd"  Sort Code 09-01-55 Account No. 98805184 or
  3. Cheque payable to the "Chipstead Hard Court Tennis Club Ltd" and send/drop off, with the forms to the Membership Secretary at 17 Old Oak Avenue, Chipstead, Surrey CR5 3PG.  tel 01737 553761 or
  4. Payment by cash to the Membership Secretary at 17 Old Oak Avenue, Chipstead, Surrey CR5 3PG.  tel 01737 553761
  5. Please remember when you go to pay add a £20 joining fee to every new adult becoming a member  


We look forward to welcoming you to Chipstead Hard Court Tennis Club. 


Once joined, in order to book a court, go to ' Book Your Court' then select a time and day you would like to play and finally follow the  sign in procedures. It's very simple, but if you have any problems, please contact Cliff Porter on 07761 299676 or email


Fees are payable on a pro rata basis eg: a single membership would be £210 in April but if you joined in August it would be £122.50 (£210 / 12 x 7 months) plus joining fee of £20. Please just adjust the price when you make payment.


If you are renewing your Membership, you will be sent a reminder for the discounted rate if you pay before the 1 April 2025 



A) Single Adult 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Over 18yrs and under 65yrs

Join now

B) Single Adult over 65 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: 65yrs and over

Join now

C) Joint Adult 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Husband and wife or partners living in the same household

Up to 2 members

Join now

D) Joint Adult over 65 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Husband and wife or partners living in the same household, both 65yrs or over.

Up to 2 members

Join now

E) Family 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: 2 adults and 2 plus children under 18yrs.

Up to 6 members

Join now

F) Student 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Must be in full time education

Join now

G) Junior 2024

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Children aged 11-18yrs

Join now

G) Junior 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Children aged 11-18yrs

Join now

H) Mini Tennis 2024

01/04/2024- 31/03/2025

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Children 10yrs and under.

Join now

H) Mini Tennis 2025

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Once you have signed up for membership and payment has been confirmed, you will be sent all membership information.

Eligibility: Children 10yrs and under.

Join now