
Club News

Congratulations go to Henry Prince, Ben Fisk, Eleanor Redfern and Frances Gregory for their success in the Road to Wimbledon. They will now go on to the next round at Rolls Royce club on 13th & 14th of July. Good Luck guys!

For the first time ever we had to postpone the last Family Fun Night because of the bad weather, however the next one is on Friday 5th July from 6.00 at Bent Lane courts. There will be a barbecue, drinks and plenty of opportunity to pick up a racquet and the weather forecast is good. Please try to come along, it is free to members and £3 for adults and £2 for kids all of whom will be coached in a safe and secure environment with the emphasis on fun!

The preliminary dates for the club championship have been agreed. They are 

Friday 13th September         Ladies Singles

Saturday 14th Sept.                Mens Doubles

Saturday 21st Sept                 Ladies Doubles

Sunday 22nd Sept                   U12/U16s Boys & Girls

Sunday 22nd                             Mens Singles

Friday 27th Sept                      Mixed Doubles

Saturday 28th Sept                 Orange/Green Boys and Girls

Sunday 29th Sept                    Mini Red & Social doubles & Finals Day

Please put these dates in your diary especially the Finals Day! More details will be published nearer the events.

There will be several camps over the summer on 30th & 31st July;6th & 7th August;13th & 14th August; and 20th & 21st August. Details are at the club and on the 'Camps' section of the website.

Finally the ladies are going to Murcia again on October 11th for a weekend of tennis. If there is anyone who would like to come can you please get in touch with Julia Booth on . There has been a proposal that the Men may go on the following weekend so if you are interested in that please get in touch with Julia on the same email.

Hoping the weather stays good and we don't have any more postponed matches!!!!