Welcome to Churchdown Tennis Club

A Community Club in the Heart of Churchdown Village

We are an active club with a membership of all ages and always keen to welcome new members. We also have a Pay and Play option for non members. 

We run various social tennis sessions throughout the year including:

  • Tuesday Evenings - Mens Social
  • Wednesday Evenings - Ladies Social
  • Sunday Mornings - Mixed Social

We have two hard courts that have recently been upgraded and are now in excellent condition. 

We cater for players of all abilities. We run coaching sessions during the spring and summer months.  There's a structured junior programme on Saturday mornings, and several mixed skills improvement sessions on Monday evenings.

We are part of the Churchdown Club, which has excellent social facilities including a bar and function room and it holds popular events throughout the year.

We also have two Men's teams and one Ladies team for more competitive play in the Gloucestershire leagues.

Additional tennis information is available on our Facebook page:


and on the Churchdown Club Facebook page:


If you are interested in joining, or finding out more about the club, contact

Chairmain - chairman.churchdowntennisclub@gmail.com

Treasurer - churchdowntennis@gmail.com


Club Membership

How to find us

Churchdown Tennis Club
Church Road

Get directions