Following yesterday's announcement from the Government's (Friday 20 March) the LTA have provided new guidance for the Club to adhere to.
Firstly we are sorry to advise that the Clubhouse will now be closed until further notice.
However, the good news is that subject to strict social distancing and hygiene practices being employed our courts can remain open for use to help ensure people remain active. Further details on how this can be done are provided below.
Safe use of the tennis courts
We all know tennis is a unique sport which has many benefits - the main one being health and wellbeing. The Government have currently indicated that physical exercise (including grass roots coaching) that takes place at a safe distance from others and in safe exercise environments is something that can continue at this time.
The Department of Culture, Media and Sport has specifically advised the LTA that tennis is one of the best examples of social distancing in practice, and so should be encouraged as long as the guidance permits.
Please follow the following advice when playing tennis at the Club:-
*If possible stagger your court booking to allow players to leave before you arrive, if this isn't possible wait off court until players from the previous booking leave.
*Activity should only take place where travel to and from the courts can be done in a way compliant with social distancing advice, with players not travelling together unless they are part of a group residing in the same place
*Activity should be in line with the Government's advised social distancing measures at all times (defined by Public Health England as spending no more than 15 minutes and not within a 2-metre distance talking to someone), including when arriving to and departing from a court
*Players should wash hands before and after a tennis session without exception (or use an alcohol gel if washing hands is not possible)
*Players are advised not to change ends during play
*Coaches to avoid close proximity when giving feedback, or when players are resting
*No extra-curricular or social activity should take place
*Avoid touching your face
*Outdoor courts and open spaces are preferable to indoor spaces
Following advice provided by the LTA i2c have cancelled all group coaching and offered half hour one-to-one sessions as an alternative to group sessions for the remainder of this month. To book on to these one-to-one sessions please contact your coach.
The Club has cancelled Club sessions and replaced these with bookable indoor (discounted to £5 an hour) and outdoor court time.
We are also looking at providing some court booking options for coaching only members (including both mini and adult players). We will email these groups separately about this.
If you are struggling to find people to play please speak to Max or myself. Alternatively the coaches are still available for one to one lessons. If you need help purchasing balls, rackets, or getting your rackets restrung, please contact us too. Please note also that Summer court booking rates apply from 1st of April (£10.50 an hour peak, and £6.40 an hour off peak).
The situation is obviously changing fast, and we will keep you updated with the latest advice from the LTA and Club.
Once again, thank you for your continued support, and please rest assured we are working as hard as possible on your behalf to ensure that all aspects of tennis at the club are as safe as they can be during this challenging time and over the coming weeks.