
COVID_19 Update

The club's approach during these unprecedented times is continually being reviewed in line with both the Government advice and LTA Guidelines.

With enormous regret the committee have decided to close the courts.  Government and LTA have indicated that all sports courts should close.

The courts are currently closed for the rejuvenation work and will remain closed, as will the clubhouse.  As it is unclear when we will be able to re-open under the current Covid-19 rules, members will not be required to pay renewal fees until we know when we are able to play again.

We are not in financial trouble as a club - we have plenty of cash reserves, though they are allocated to replacing the courts.  The ultimate effect of reduced subscription income will be to delay renewal of the courts, but we are not expecting to do this for a few years yet. Hopefully all will be back to normal long before then! However any subscriptions that are paid will help the club’s short-term cashflow.

If you have already paid your fees, we will credit you with the shutdown period, or the period during which you have to self-isolate, towards next year's membership fees.

If you have already paid, but would prefer a refund, let me know your bank details and we'll arrange it.

Once we know when we can start playing again, we will advise you of the appropriate pro-rata renewal fees.  As ever, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of the committee.

Best regards

Mike Graham

Membership Secretary