
Club re-opens on 2 December in Tier 3

We're happy to say that the club will re-open for outdoor tennis from Wednesday 2 December. This includes singles, doubles, social tennis, and club nights. The court booking system is open. Please continue to book all court use, and include all participants when you book. 

Coaching is also allowed - the LTA recommends a maximum of 12 adults per court, and a maximum group size of 15 children. All coaching must be booked in advance with Michael Rakosi.

Competitions are allowed, so we may be able to resume some team matches with other clubs - but this is yet to be confirmed, and will be limited by travel restrictions into or out of the North Somerset area.

Spectating is not allowed, but supervision by one parent or guardian per player is permitted. Social distancing is to be maintained before, during and after play. Please use the hand sanitiser provided when you enter and leave the courts.

Since we are in Tier 3, the clubhouse will be closed, except for use of the bathrooms, access to balls, and first aid. Please do not use the clubhouse for anything else - please take your bags on court (you can use the courtside hooks) or leave them in your car. If it rains, please shelter in your car, or bring an umbrella! You should wear a mask if you do need to use the clubhouse, and only one person at a time (or members of the same household) should use the clubhouse at any one time. The clubhouse will be cleaned regularly, but if you do touch anything in the clubhouse, please wipe down afterwards with the anti-bacterial wipes provided.

In theory we can provide a take-away service from the bar, if anyone is brave enough to drink outside in this weather! But legally the "rule of 6" applies, and the LTA recommends no socialising before or after tennis.

For more detail, please see the LTA guidance for Tier 3 at