How to find us
Clifton Upon Dunsmore LTC
South Road
Clifton upon Dunsmore
CV23 0DB
As a small club, we rely on the generous efforts of volunteers to maintain and operate the club. As such, we ask members, coaches and guests to proactively consider the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others when using club facilities and report any concerns to a member of the club committee.
Members, coaches and guests are asked to enter any health and safety incidents in the accident book, held in the club house next to the courts, or report them directly to a member of the club committee.
Our club holds venue insurance through it’s accreditation with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). Details of this can be obtained via the LTA or from the club committee.
The risk assessment for use of the club facilities is located at the link below. All members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the content and their obligations.
Clifton upon Dunsmore LTC Risk Assessment
Welcome to Clifton upon Dunsmore Lawn Tennis club. We hope that after a long winter break, you will want to get back to playing tennis again on our courts.
Our 2024 annual membership starts on 1st April. We hope you will join us again for 2024 and get involved with some of the many social, coaching, and tournament activities planned for the coming year.
Our regular club sessions this year are:
Tuesday night 6 pm - 9 pm
Open to all club members wishing to play competitive tennis. Starting Tuesday 26th March.
Thursday social club session 4:30 pm - 6.30 pm
Open to all Club members. Starting Thursday, March 28th
Thursday night Cardio Tennis
Starting Thursday 11th April. One session every week 6.30-8 pm run by Rachael Baker. Rachael will have you running around the courts playing fun tennis-related games.
This is a great aerobic workout and is also good for practicing your different tennis shots.
Saturday Social Play
Open to all club members who wish to play doubles or singles. 11 am -1 pm every Saturday throughout the year.
When numbers are high people are expected to play just the best of four games so that a constant rotation of players is maintained.
Adult Coaching (max 8 people in a group) with our head coach, Pete Brinkley
Wednesdays 9.30-10.30 am throughout the year
We have purchased some new balls for the start of the season.
Club members are welcome to borrow these balls during social play sessions only but please make sure they are returned to the clubhouse for use by other members.
Once the league games are up and running, the used match balls will be left in the clubhouse for members' use during social play sessions.
Junior squads ( during term time only)
Commencing Sunday 7th April 2024.
Red/Orange ball squad 1-2 pm
Green Ball Squad, 2-3 pm
Please contact Sue Robinson on (07813) 121589 for further details
Performance Coaching
This is provided on a private individual basis by Brian Heathcote.
LTA Youth start courses
These popular courses for 4-11-year-olds are provided during most school holidays. They consist of 6 one hour lessons delivered on six consecutive days and are intended as an introduction to tennis. The LTA provides the child with a racket, T-shirt, and tennis balls and one of our LTA-qualified coaches delivers the coaching.
We have two courses booked this year.
Sunday 24th March - Friday 29th March 2024
Sunday 11th August - Friday 16th August 2024
Please contact Sue Robinson at (07813) 121589 for further details.
Tennis tournament 2024
This will be held on Saturday 22nd June 2024. We intend to host a barbecue and various stalls will be set up during the day. Our coaches, Sue and Pete, will be organizing a friendly tennis tournament for juniors and adults who wish to compete.
This is intended to be a fun day for the whole family.
We would welcome any offers of help or ideas in organizing the day.
The courts
The courts were recoated and painted in 2021. We are very proud of the results and wish to maintain the courts to as high a standard as possible.
In wet weather, we appreciate members changing their shoes once on the court to stop mud from being brought on and ruining the surface.
Players under 16 years old must be supervised on court by an LTA accredited coach or an adult over 25 years old.
League teams
This year will be entering 5 teams in the local Rugby and district leagues.
Two men’s team
Two mixed teams
Ladies team
If you would like to play please contact Sue
Who is using the courts?
The courts are committed on the following days:
Monday mixed team matches and practice from 6 pm
Tuesday club night from 5:30 pm
Wednesday men’s team matches and practice from 6 pm
Thursday 4.30-6.30 pm club social open to all club members.
Cardio Tennis Starting Thursday 11th April 2024 -6.30pm -8 pm
Friday ladies team matches and practice 6-8 pm
Saturday Social 11-1 pm intermediate level
Sunday Junior coaching, 1-3 pm
Membership subscriptions
Community clubs like Clifton Tennis Club only survive if people join. The more members we have, the more tennis-related activities we can provide. Please join and get your friends and neighbours to join.
Many congratulations to all who participated in the men's doubles A-team and B-team in what has been a very successful Division 2 league campaign, fi...
10 months ago
Wednesday adult coaching group
2 years ago
One of Clifton’s younger players, Jessica Parker, was one of 5 selected to represent Warwickshire to play in a national girls under 9 county cup tour...
2 years ago
Have a look at the list of our latest membership prices. Find the one that suits you!
Clifton Upon Dunsmore LTC
South Road
Clifton upon Dunsmore
CV23 0DB