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Tocyn Tennis Blynyddol @ Parc Bodlondeb ~ Annual Tennis Pass @ Bodlondeb Park

Tocyn Tennis Blynyddol @ Parc Bodlondeb

Yn dilyn cyllid gan yr LTA a’r Llywodraeth i adnewyddu pedwar cwrt tennis ym Modlondeb rydym wedi cyflwyno Tocyn Tennis Blynyddol i’r Teulu am £39 yn unig y flwyddyn.  Mae hynny’n eich galluogi chi a’ch teulu i chwarae tennis trwy gydol y flwyddyn am ddim cost ychwanegol.

Darganfyddwch mwy a chofrestrwch ar gyfer ein Tocyn Tennis Blynyddol isod.

Os byddai’n well gennych ‘Dalu wrth fynd’ mae yna ddewis hefyd i archebu cwrt am £4 yr awr.

Archebu Cwrt ym Mharc Bodlondeb.

Peidiwch ag anghofio: Mae’n bosib chwarae tennis (am ddim) ar gyrtiau ym mhob parc arall yng Nghonwy. Gallwch hefyd archebu cyrtiau ar-lein.


Following LTA and Government funding to renovate the four tennis courts at Bodlondeb, we have introduce an Annual Household Tennis Pass for just £39, per year. This entitiles you and your family to play tennis throughout the year at no extra cost.

Find out more and sign up to our Annual Tennis Pass below.

If you'd prefer to 'Pay as you go', there is also the option to book a court for £4 per hour.

Book a court at Bodlondeb Park.

Don't forget: It's free to play tennis at all other park courts in Conwy. You can also book courts online.


Tocyn Tenis Blyny - Annual Tennis Pass

12 months membership

Tocyn Tenis Blynyddol - Parc Bodlondeb - Cynnig Cychwynnol! / Annual Tennis Pass - Bodlondeb Park - Intro Offer!

Eligibility: Family / Household

Up to 10 members

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