
American Open Tournament 2019

A huge congratulations to everyone who took part in the US Open Mixed Doubles tournament on September 7th 2019. Over 40 people took part in the 3 sessions. Winners & runners up were as follows: 

10.00 - 12.00 Winners: Ian Duggan & Christine Hanson

                                Runners Up: Richard Owen/Micah Flores/Sian Roberts

12.00 - 2.00 Winners: Chris Lewis & Libby Roberts

                              Runners Up: Peter Lowe & Sally Knight

2.00 -4.00 Winners: Harry Gordon Moyes/Peter Launder/Daisy Buick

                            Runners Up: Sara Powell & Kathy Harwood Morgan

Well done to all & a special thanks to Paul Williams for all the organisation. Look out for details of our next tournament - the Xmas Jumper Tournament to be held on December 7th.