Purchasing a Membership using GoCardless

Purchasing a Membership using GoCardless

GoCardless is a Direct Debit organisation and you can purchase a membership as a one off payment (pay in full) or via monthly installments. 

Please note: Coylton LTC uses the GoCardless payment services provider to collect payments. This payment provider is authorised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority. Neither Coylton LTC nor Clubspark holds any financial details in the product.

The advantage for you and the club is that your membership is made active from the moment you complete the registration which means there is no lag time before doing this. If you pay by cash or by direct debit through your own bank, it can take up to a week to make your membership active.

Also note that the following images are from a test environment and not the club’s.

Purchase a Membership and Set up a Direct Debit

Step 1: On the club’s membership page - select the package you wish to purchase. 


 Step 2:  Click the payment option you want to buy, either in full or by monthly installments.

The membership package shows both options as it does for the Adult 2024/25 example:


Step 3: Once you have selected a payment option click 'Join now':


 Step 4: This will then redirect you to the first step in the check-out process. Firstly, you will be taken to confirm the Purchaser details (not the member’s details). 

The first section is auto filled by the system from the LTA account you have logged in with, so please add your LTA number to your personal details if you can before you proceed. If you know your LTA details but can’t manage it, email them to coyltontennis@gmail.com with a covering note. It may take several days to action.

https://sportlabs.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/16554818617757https://sportlabs.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/16554818605981Scroll down to the 'Purchaser's contact details', and fill in the billing address for the purchaser's card. (Any non-optional fields need to be filled in.)


Agree to the Membership Terms & Conditions and any of the clubs Privacy Policy or custom consents (if you are a new member)


https://sportlabs.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/16554818622877Then go to 'Continue to member details'.





Step 5: On the member details page, you need to choose who the membership is for. If they are not listed already under your account, you can use the '+Add a new member' to add them. 


 Once you have selected the correct member (or members for a Family Membership), click 'Continue to payment'.


 Step 6: On the next page 'Review and Pay', the first thing you will notice is the Order summary. Please make sure you have selected the correct membership package and the correct member to receive this membership. An example of where to verify this information is shown below:


Please note: If it is the incorrect package you will need to go back to the Memberships page and start again selecting the correct package.

If the member or add-ons are incorrect you can simply go back in the membership process to amend these.


Step 7: If the order Summary is correct, you can proceed to choosing how you want to pay. To pay via GoCardless, select the option highlighted in red, and then click 'Confirm'.










Step 8: You are taken to the GoCardless page. If you have opted to pay the full amount this will be a one off instant payment via Direct Debit, and would show as below:


Below this, you will enter in your personal details, and then click 'Continue'. 













Step 9: Select the bank you are using to purchase the membership with. Use the search bar and select the matching bank below the search bar.   NOTE: If you do not have access to your online banking details or you don't use online banking, or your bank is not recognized see : Q: I don't have access to my mobile banking app? which will provide the workaround steps. 



Step 10: Once you select the bank, this will take you to the next page to enter in 'Your bank details'. Confirm the Account holder name, add the Sort code & Account number, and then click 'Set Up this Direct Debit'.













Step 11: If you are completing this on your phone and you have your bank app, it will automatically link to your app to confirm the payment. 

If you are completing on a desk top, you can scan the QR code with your mobile phone or instead, you can do this via online banking, click the 'Continue on desktop' option, highlighted in red below.


 The desktop will take you to your online banking on your computer. If you have set up the Direct Debit via Online Banking, you will see this success message for a short moment until it redirects you back to Clubspark.



Step 12: The Direct Debit is set up, and you will be redirected to the order confirmation page, with a summary of your purchase:




https://sportlabs.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/17546406770717Q: I don't have access to my mobile banking app? 

https://sportlabs.zendesk.com/hc/article_attachments/17546406775453A: GoCardless has added this step in to prevent fraudulent transactions. They are working closely with all banks to ensure this is in place. GoCardless states 95% of UK banks are using this authorization method. 
However, there is a workaround if you don't have access to your online banking. 

In Step 9 - where it says Please select your bank - enter OTHER or CCCCC as shown. This will then show the button Continue payment using Direct Debit. 

From the next page (shown right) - you can enter your sort code and accounting number.



Q: My bank is not supported? 
GoCardless are working with banks - all the banks that are supported are listed HERE. If your bank is not listed, see above and follow the same instructions.