Our membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March, and the prices shown are for the full year.
PACKAGES AND PRICES ARE PRO-RATED THROUGH THE YEAR, SO PLEASE DO GET IN TOUCH via membership-cihltc@outlook.com to discuss prices if you are joining mid-year.
All the details, including the bank account for funds transfers and the terms and conditions of membership for the year 2023-24 can be found here.
"100" Club (includes Social Membership) 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
This allows participation in all social events at the club, and enters you in the monthly prize draw for a £25 prize, with a £100 prize in July and December.
Eligibility: Anyone
Adult 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: All 30 and over not in full time education
Adult Parent Hitter 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing use of club facilities to support a junior member. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Membership for adults who only use the club to act as a "hitter" for a junior member. Does not entitle you to use of courts for any other reason.
Adult Student 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Adult student is defined as aged between 19 and 24 in full time education.
Adult Under 30 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Reduced price membership for adults aged under 30 at the start of the membership year but not eligible for student membership
Family (One Adult) 2024 - 25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Family membership allowing one adult and unlimited children full access to the club. If you are able, please also consider joining the 100 Club, which raises additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw.
Eligibility: Any family where one adult and their children wish to have full membership of the club.
Family (two adults) 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Family membership includes two full adult members and all children aged 18 and under.
Junior 12 and under 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Anyone aged between 6 and 12 years as at 1st April 2024
Junior 18 and under 2024 - 25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Anyone aged between 13 and 18 as at 1st April 2024
Junior 5 and under 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
1 year membership allowing full participation and use of all club facilities. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw worth up to £100.
Eligibility: Junior 5 and under Membership is free to anyone aged 5 and under as at April 1st 2024, although we still need you to register please.
Pickleball 2024-25
01/04/2024- 31/03/2025
Annual membership for use of Pickleball court (court 6) only. If you are able, please also consider joining the '100' Club, which provides valuable additional funds, and enters you in a monthly prize draw
Eligibility: Anyone wishing to be able to book and use the Pickleball court