Membership of the Club requires acceptance of and adherance to the Policies and Spirit of the Club. Any member displaying behaviour which is contradictory to the Club's Policies will be investigated and may have their membership revoked
Please find the following information about the Club:
- Constitution
- Recent AGM Minutes
- Safeguarding Overview
- Safeguarding Policy
- Diversitry & Inclusion Policy
- Privacy Policy
The Club, including all of its members, has a duty of care and is committed to enabling all users of its facilities to do so in a comfortable and non-threatening environment.
If any user is concerned about any aspect of the welfare of, or behaviour of any other person, the Club has established processes for reporting concerns.
If you have an immediate concern regarding the welfare or safety of anyone, you may prefer to contact someone who may be able to help more quickly, for example a parent, guardian, teacher, coach, responsible adult, or the Police and Local Authorities. In this case the Club will work together with these other people and organisations.