Court Booking

Visitors as well as members are welcome to book our courts.  For security, they are kept locked.  Please make sure to lock them after play and muddle the combination.  Thank you.

As a member you are entitled to book Court 1 or Court 2 up to a week ahead for an hour and a half per day and there is no charge for booking.  Non-members playing with you should pay their share of the court fee - £5 each per hour if playing singles; £2.50 each per hour if playing doubles.  Please put this in the honesty box at the court edge.  You will be sent a confirmation email which will contain the code for entryPlease do check your junk mail if you think you haven't received an email.

Visitors may book Court 2 up to two days ahead for an hour and a half per day.  Payment at £10 per hour will be taken via Stripe.  Again, the code will be given in the cofirmatory email.  Take care to read the instructions carefully particularly with regard to the length of time you wish to book.

If you notice any damage please report it to the secretary: