

Apply below for membership.

Please note that our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer. If you prefer to pay in cash  or by instalments, please contact Sue below.  We can also arrange membership pro rata throughout the year. Please contact Sue or Maria.

When making payment please ensure that you include the member's name in the narrative.  Once you have paid, please email both Sue Haworth  at and Maria Melia at   Maria will activate your account on ClubSpark so that you can book courts.  When you book the court, you will be sent a code for the lock.

New members will need to contact Sue for keys to the pavilion (community centre).   Please note that pavilion keys will not be issued to Junior Members.   Maria will activate your account on ClubSpark as above.  You will also be sent a Welcome Booklet and information about safeguarding.


Bank details

Darwen Tennis Club 

Account number: 00654956

Lloyds Bank sort code: 30 90 87




Additional Club Member 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

For players who pay full membership at another club and wish to play in matches for DTC. Visitors' fees are paid to play any other time apart from team practice and matches.

Eligibility: Adult members who pay a full membership at another club. Proof of membership will be requested upon application.

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Adult Member 2024-25 A

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Full adult member

Eligibility: Full adult member. Attendance at one maintenance date for a minimum of 3 hours. Paid by 30/4/24.

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Adult Member 2024-25 B

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Full adult member

Eligibility: Full adult member. Non attendance on a maintenance day. Paid by 30/4/24.

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Adult Member 2024-25 C

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Full adult member.

Eligibility: Full adult member. Payment after 30/4/24 regardless of attendance at maintenance dates.

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FAMILY1 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

One parent/guardian and 1 child under 18.

Eligibility: This subscription is only valid whilst playing as a combination of parent and child as per your membership. Additional players must be members or pay visitors' fees.

Up to 2 members

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FAMILY2 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Two parents/guardians plus 1 child under 18.

Eligibility: This subscription is only valid whilst playing as a combination of parent and child as per your membership. Additional players must be members or pay visitors' fees.

Up to 3 members

Join now

FAMILY3 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Two parents/guardians and 2 children under 18.

Eligibility: This subscription is only valid whilst playing as a combination of parent and child as per your membership. Additional players must be members or pay visitors' fees.

Up to 4 members

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Introductory New Member Offer 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Introductory offer

Eligibility: New members to the club for the first year.

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Junior Member 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Junior membership.

Eligibility: Any juniors aged 12 to 17. NB reduction of £5 if one maintenance date attended and paid by 30/4/24.

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Student Member 2024-25

30/04/2024 - 29/04/2025

Over 18 and in full-time education.

Eligibility: Over 18 and in full-time education. NB reduction of £5 if attended one maintenance day and paid by 30/4/24. (Proof of student ID will be required).

Join now