

Please note! Membership options will be available below from 16/3/25.

Apply below for membership.

Please note that our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer. If you prefer to pay in cash  or by instalments, please contact Sue below.  We can also arrange membership pro rata throughout the year. Please contact Sue or Maria.

When making payment please ensure that you include the member's name in the narrative.  Once you have paid, please email both Sue Haworth  at and Maria Melia at   Maria will activate your account on ClubSpark so that you can book courts.  When you book the court, you will be sent a code for the lock.

New members will need to contact Sue for keys to the pavilion (community centre).   Please note that pavilion keys will not be issued to Junior Members.   Maria will activate your account on ClubSpark as above.  You will also be sent a Welcome Booklet and information about safeguarding.


Bank details

Darwen Tennis Club 

Account number: 00654956

Lloyds Bank sort code: 30 90 87