Upcoming Events

Annual Charity Event (Apr to Nov 2024)

See the Competition (Charity Event) page for details of previous events. For this years event we will be raising funds for Teenage Cancer Trust and Alzheimer Scotland. There will be a Men's Singles event and a Ladies Singles event (for players aged 16+).

2024 Competition
Entries are now open and close on 7th April. The draw will then be done soon after. The competition is open to all players that are affiliated to David Lloyd Club Renfrew. The competition will start from mid April and will end mid Nov at the latest, depending on how many entries.  As all money donated goes to the charities, there will be no big prizes or trophies etc but there will be a medal for the main draw winners and runners-up.

The draws and results can be found here once the competition starts.

Any questions please contact Joe Docherty at tennis.doc66@gmail.com

How To Enter

1. Enter in the LTA  website by clicking here:  DL Renfrew Challenge Cup 2024

2. Donate to one of the chosen charities. Minimum of £5.00 (max of £10). Click on your chosen charity to go to my Just Giving page:

         www.justgiving.com/page/dlrenfrew-tennis-2024-alz        (Alzheimer Scotland JustGiving page I have setup)

         www.justgiving.com/page/dlrenfrew-tennis-2024-tct        (Teenage Cancer Trust JustGiving page I have setup) 

You will be accepted once you complete steps 1 and 2 (if you donate anonamously, please let me know privately). I will then get you added to the Whatsapp group for the event.

Competition Format

1. There will be a WhatsApp group chat for the group, where players can post their results. If possible, players PM their opponents directly and arrange their match but any problems please contact the organiser. Please PM me when you have your match organised so that I know it is arranged and prevent me from chasing you up.

2. For each round, a deadline will be set to play the match, roughly about a 3 weeks each round. This date will be in the LTA competitions website (see link above). In exceptional circumstances, the deadline date for a match may be extended.

3. There will be a consolation draw if you lose your first match so all players should be guaranteed a minimum of 2 matches (assuming no withdrawals). Please try and support the consolation draw if you are in it. Some of the higher seeded players may join the competition at a later stage, so consolation draw may not be an option for them if they lose their first match.

4. Matches will be played at DL Renfrew indoor carpet courts. However if players agree then matches can be played on our hard courts, outdoor or even at another venue.

5. Match format to be agreed by players at start of match. Default format will be 2 full sets, and if 1 set all, then 3rd set will be a Championship tie break (first to 10 points, 2 points clear). Other formats can be:  

  • 3 full sets (only to be done at off-peak time and when courts are generally quiet)
  • 3 short sets
  • 2 short sets and a Champs tie break at 1 set all.
  • All of the above formats can be played with normal deuce, sudden death deuce or sudden death on a 2nd deuce.
  • Recommend a shorter set format and/or sudden death deuce format if the match is unlikely to be completed due to time or court availability.

6. Fair play and good court etiquette to be adhered to at all times. The competition is a totally mixed standard so please at all times treat your opponent(s) with respect.


Doubles Event (Jan to Mar 2024)

Welcome to the first Doubles event at the club for 2024. Let's all make it a success!!

We have 44 pairs entered, playing across 3 categories. Each pair will get a minimum of 3 matches, whether you win or lose. Group winners will play a final and group runners-up will play a 3rd/4th play off. Other pairs are welcome to get an additional play-off match but this is optional.

Category/Group Format
Cat 1 has 2 draws of 8 pairs - you will have set opponents and a deadline for each match.
Cat 2 is the same as Cat 1
Cat 3 has 1 draw of 8 pairs and 1 draw of 4 players. The 8 player draw is same as Cat 1 and 2. The 4 player draw is a round robin, where you play the other 3 pairs in any order.

Draws and Results
Here is a link to all the draws and results. This link will also be in the Group Description of the main Whatsapp group
DL Renfrew 2024 Event #1

Arranging Matches and Posting Results
There will be a WhatsApp group chat for each group, where players inform organiser when the match is and post their results.  It is recommended that for each match, players create a small temporary group chat where the 4 players can arrange their match, so there are less messages in the group chat. The organiser will log the results and regularly update the website.

Match Location and Format
By default, matches will be played at DL Renfrew indoor carpet courts. However if players agree then matches can be played on our hard courts, outdoor or even at another venue.

Match format to be agreed by players at start of match. Default format will be 2 full sets, and if 1 set all, then 3rd set will be a Championship tie break (first to 10 points, 2 points clear). Other formats can be:  

  • a) 3 full sets     b)3 short sets     c) 2 short sets and a Champs tie break at 1 set all.
  • All of the above formats can be played with normal deuce, sudden death deuce or sudden death on a 2nd deuce.
  • Recommend a shorter set format and/or sudden death deuce format if the match is unlikely to be completed due to time or court availability. Main thing is to ensure you have enough time to finish the match.

Fair Play
Fair play and good court etiquette to be adhered to at all times. Please at all times treat your opponent(s) with respect, both on court and in any group chat.

To ensure it is a success and for other doubles events to take place, we need all pairs to arrange their matches by the allocated deadline and to play all their matches. Please make it happen. Thank you!!!