At Delta Tennis Centre we offer lessons and courses ran by our LTA coaches for all ages and ability.
- Monday 17:00-18:00
- Tuesday 16:00-17:00
- Friday 16:00-17:00
- Saturday 9:00-10:00
At the Red Stage of LTA Youth children learn from imagination and simple clear instructions.
- Children are now ready to receive instructions and can work together with their coach and other players in the group to develop sending and receiving skills.
- Children will develop a preferred side of the body known as lateralisation but will continue to work both sides of the body within their sessions.
- Children are ready to adapt to changing circumstances and bouncing balls.
- Finally, children are starting to become more confident and independent and start taking more responsibility.
- You should expect to see children being active independently to the coach and socialising with each other.
- Children will be learning how to rally and shouldn’t be standing in queues. They will be stimulated by colourful and creative environments and children will adopt sound adaptive skills through various exercises, both with and without the racket.
- Children will play on an adopted smaller 36ft court with lower nets set up to encourage a positive learning experience in a setting catered to that age.
- Children will play with a 19” or 21” racket and a variety of balls including the red stage ball, which is much bigger, slower, and softer than a normal tennis ball.
- There will be regular opportunities for children to take part in appropriate team competition that will drive their motivation.
- Saturday 9:00-10:00
In the Orange Stage children will discover the true game of tennis, through learning how to serve and return. They’ll also spend a lot more time rallying. This stage is the most important phase in improving children’s tennis and motor skills.
- Children are more aware of their emotions, so we can start to coach basic mental strategies. They will understand the concept of rallying, attacking, and defending.
- Through constraint led tasks and games children will develop their tennis skills. For the first time you will start to see a child’s personality in the way they play the game. Now children will be part of a team and will be looking to make more friends.
- At the orange stage you will expect to see children playing the real game of tennis. This includes hitting, overarm serves and returns. You’ll also see decision making and a range of different shots. The orange stage is played on a larger but not full-size court.
- Children will use a 23" to 25” racket and the orange stage ball, which is the same size as a yellow stage ball but softer and slower.
- Children will also play regular in team and single competitions and have an identity to their club.
- Tuesday 16:00-17:00
- Friday 16:00-17:00
- Saturday 09:00-10:00
During the Green Stage of the LTA Youth, children will learn to train. They are continuing to develop physically and are growing towards the full-size game. It may take them time to adapt to each new challenge on the full size court.
- Children will start to adapt to deal with a wider variety of tennis balls.
- They’ll be playing a more varied game and starting to identify and develop their own strengths and weaknesses.
- Children develop a smarter game working out how they can beat their opponent through the use of space.
- They can also start to problem solve to win matches and will become accountable for their own actions. Expect to see tennis to be played on a full-sized court with 26” rackets and use of a green stage ball.
- A positive learning experience, children should be encouraged to play regularly, in individual and team competitions.
- And finally at the green stage, children should have a strong sense of belonging with their peers at the tennis centre.
- Monday 18:00-19:00
- Tuesday 16:00-17:00
- Wednesday 18:00-19:00
- Wednesday 19:00-20:00
- Thursday 17:00-18:00
- Friday 16:00-17:00
- Saturday 10:00-11:00
When children reach the yellow stage of the LTA Youth, they are playing the same game that is played by the pro’s.
- Children will continue to improve and enjoy the game to forge a lifelong love of the sport.
- With skills developed from the previous stages, LTA youth children are now playing on a full-size court with a normal ball and racket.
- It is worth noting that as they don’t have the size and strength, they can’t play like adults do.
- You’ll see children continue to explore different games styles and learning how to play their way.
- Children continue to compete, both as individuals and within a team.
- Children will start to develop strong relationships with their peers and an identity at their tennis venue.
- Above all, children will develop a lifelong love of the game.