New/Existing Members joining details

Information for new and existing members.  April 2024/25

Membership is to be completed online via the Ditchling Clubspark page and the membership fees paid online either via Gocardless by creating a one-off direct debit payment or BACS directly to Ditchling Lawn Tennis Club Bank account.

Existing Members
All members will be imported to the new membership categories for 2024/25 and receive an email inviting them to confirm and activate the membership.  You will need to use your LTA Account details to complete this process.   After you have completed this process you will receive an email from Clubspark indicating you have joined Ditchling Tennis Club and on this email it will contain the payment method either Direct Debit or Other (BACS).  You will also receive and email from Gocardless and BACS payments also have a proof of payment.  You will need to take your email and proof of payment to David in the Post office and then you will be issued with a key for the court.

New Members
We accept new membership applications from residents of Ditchling, Streat and Westmeston.  You will need to follow the same process as above but in order to access clubspark and complete the process you will need to create an account with the LTA.  Follow the instructions when prompted to create a free acount and subsequent log in details.  After you have joined by the above method you will be issued with a key for the court and can use the online booking system on clubspark to book your court.

As a member you will have access to court booking, coaching and other benefits.  Court booking can be made two weeks in advance but all members are limited to three bookings within a 7 day period and we ask that you don't book the same time slot on more than two consecutive days.   

The committee reserve the right to cancel any court bookings or suspend membership from any members who persistently contravenes the above rules.