Ladies' Team Practice Nights
Ladies' practice nights take place for team players of all levels on Tuesday evenings, 6.30-8.30pm. (Out with the main match season/when courts are not in use for league matches). Please contact us via the main club email address for further details/if you wish to be considered for a team.
Men's Team Practice Nights
Men's practice nights take place for team players of all levels on Thursday evenings, from 7-9pm. (Out with the main match season/when courts are not in use for league matches). Please contact us via the main club email address for further details/if you wish to be considered for a team.
Socials/Adults' Club Nights
Courts are available for self-organised, weekly social tennis for adult members on Friday nights from 7pm-9pm/finish. The format is to mix in for doubles, and (optionally) bring refreshments/something for the BBQ if the weather is good! We have a WhatsApp group you can join to participate.
Note: you should already be able to serve and play matches, and confidentlly hold your own in mixed doubles.
Adult members have courts 1-3 reserved for club night sessions. If you are unable to arrange childcare, kids of an appropriate age can sit in the clubhouse, or 'knock up' on court 4 providing it has not been pre-booked/is not in use by other club members. This would, however, be unsupervised and parents are responsible for the safety and well-being of their own children.
Join our Social Tennis What'sApp group which allows members to communicate regarding attendance/keep up-to-date with what's happening on the social tennis front. Please email dollartennisclub@hotmail.co.uk to ask to be added to this group.
Hitting Partners/Small Group Social Play
If you are a member seeking to play more tennis, but do not have a hitting partner, or are not currently part of a self-organised group but would like to be, please get in touch and we will try and link you in with appropriate players - email dollartennisclub@hotmail.co.uk
See also our Club Events page