Following a successful AGM on Sunday 1st March, with a great turnout, we'd like to announce the newly voted in Committee.
David Stilher has stepped down after serving his 3 years as president, for which we thank him. In his place Ken Patrick has been voted in. A long standing member of the committee himself.
Pat Reid continues as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer. Enormous thanks go to her for her immeasurable and continuing support of the club.
Dunfermline Tennis & Bridge Club Committee 2020:
Ken Patrick (President)
Pat Reid (Hon Secretary and Treasurer)
Fiona Logue
Simon Robertson
David Stihler
Moira Glencross
Martin Klauz
Hugh Smith
John Allen
Jane Carnegie
We welcome those who are new to the board and thank those who continue to support as committee members!
Katy Clarkson continues in an administrative capacity and Graeme Clarkson as Head Coach.
Thanks again to those who attended the AGM.
If you have any queries, please contact Katy at
Dunfermline Tennis & Bridge Club