General Welfare
Dunning Tennis Club takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously and strives to ensure a safe environment for everyone using the venue.
Welfare Officer - Ian Macfarlane is the Welfare Officer for the venue, please feel free to contact him on 07973802620 or by email on ian@doitoutdoors.co.uk if there is anything you are concerned about, or if you have any questions about safeguarding at the club.
Report a Concern - if you have any concerns you can also log them using the LTA Report a Concern portal, all concerns raised will be treated confidentially and sensitively.
You can also contact the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team on 020 8487 7000, safeguarding@lta.org.uk or the NSPCC 0808 800 5000. Remember if you think anyone is at immediate risk of harm - dial 999
Child Supervision - in line with National NSPCC advice - all children under the age of 12 attending the club outside of coaching programmes and other organised club activities should be supervised by a parent or known adult.
Policy Documents
Dunning Safeguarding Policy
Dunning Safeguarding Policy Statement
Dunning Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Dunning Anti Bullying Policy
Changing Room Policy
• When coaching or visiting with kids that require changing facilities ensure the children will have sole use of changing rooms. This reduces any risks and potential vulnerability associated with mixing adults and children when changing and showering.
• If adults and children need to share our changing rooms, they will do so at different times
• Under no circumstances will adult staff, coaches or volunteers change or shower at the same time as children using the changing rooms.
• Mixed gender groups of children will have access to separate changing rooms, or use the same changing room but at different times.
• If we are made aware that a child or adult self-identifies as a gender that differs from the gender they were assigned at birth, we will work with them and their parents/carers (where it relates to a child) to make reasonable adjustments to changing arrangements to suit their needs
• Mobile phones and other electronic devices must not be used in changing rooms.
• For younger groups of children, a Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) checked member of staff or volunteer will wait outside the changing rooms to allow children to call for assistance if required.
• Where no changing facilities are available children, parents and travelling teams/players will be made aware prior to the game and advised to make alternative arrangements and to take appropriate additional clothing e.g. tracksuits etc.
Drop off and Pick Up Policy
Coaches and Volunteers at matches and club events must ensure all vunerables persons on drop off/pick up are not left unattended or left to wander in hazardous areas such as carpark. This will require communication to parents/guardian prior to event and the vulnerable persons on the days
Iether go throught the Welfare officer of the club or If the whistleblower does not believe that the concern has been dealt with appropriately and wishes to speak to someone outside the club or the LTA Safeguarding Team, the NSPCC Whistleblowing advice line should be contacted on 0800 028 0285 or by emailing help@nspcc.org.uk.
Online Safety and Communication Policy - tbc
Safe Recruitment Policy - tbc
Photography and FIlming Policy- tbc