
Corstorphine TC net 70 new members!

Bill Lothian, 12th February 2021

Corstorphine tennis club have begun a project which will strike a chord with many sports clubs – retaining recruits who maybe took advantage of extra free time or, in some instances, short-term preferential fees?

In the case of Corstorphine, with three all-weather floodlit courts at Belgrave Road, a total of 70 new members have joined.

Secretary Mary Gordon, says:

“Some recruits began working from home and would maybe take an hour out during the day with their partner to try tennis.

“With courts busier than normal passers-by became interested while ex-members found their way back.

“Word of mouth was vital in demonstrating that we are a friendly club with plenty social tennis normally. The new members divide equally between seniors and juniors and the chance to lower our age profile has been welcome.”