The History of Ecclesall Lawn Tennis Club

Club Founded 1915
The club was founded with the first meeting Chaired by Reverend Warner, with local Vicar Canon Houghton, becoming the Club’s President. Five grass courts were rented on land adjacent to the Prince of Wales, Bowling Green.


Wounded soldiers from the Wharncliffe Base and Winter Street Hospital entertained by Ecclesall Lawn Tennis Club, 20th August 1915.

Ecclesall survives the difficult times of WWII, additional ash courts added, creating a total of 9 courts. This photo from the 1950s shows the extent of the club, with the clubhouse in the same position as it is today. Older members may recall the SAAB garage set to the front of the site on Ecclesall Road.

1936 & 1937

Ecclesall Ladies win the Ladies Sheffield and District Davison 1 for two years in a row. The men win the Sheffield and
District Division 2. The club’s performance is helped by an influx of players from the recent demise of Silver Hill Tennis Club only a stones throw away.

After 56 years Ecclesall win the Men’s Sheffield and District League for the first time.


Ecclesall win the Men’s Sheffield and District League again

Another Division 1 title for Ecclesall Ladies.

The club falls on hard times in the 1990s with the condition of the facilities and courts deteriorating. To save
the club from closure Club Chairman Martin Gilmour and Members redeveloped the site, with land sold for
OAP flats and four new synthetic grass courts created.


Ecclesall celebrated 100 years with a day of celebrations including current and old members. 

2017 & 2018 

Ecclesall win the Men’s Sheffield and District League two years in a row! Thanks to Coach Richard Furness.