Key Club Contacts

If you have any questions about the club, or don't know who to contact about certain queries then please use the details below. We can also be reached on our Facebook page linked at the bottom of the Home Page.


Noah Wells - President

Max Chen - Vice President

Sarah Purvis - Secretary

Shehryar Ahmed - Treasurer

Katie McCall - Women's BUCS Team Manager

Christian Daly - Men's 1-3 BUCS Team Manager

Ben Baker - Men's 4-6 BUCS Team Manager

Liv Stern - Women's Development Team Manager

Henry Macdonald - Men's Development Team Manager

Nathalie Canteli Kuhnel - Social Secretaries

Max Priestley - Fundraising and Alumni Officer

Maha Nour Dar - Publicity Officer

Cole Looney & Alexander Kapkin - Social Representatives

Neil Penn - Wellbeing and Inclusivity Officer

Jamie Mack - University Tennis Coordinator and Head Coach


Email Addresses

UTC/Coach -

Club President -

Club Email Address -

Club Treasurer -