Court Booking Regulations


  1. The Court may be booked for one hour and bookings may be made up to one week in advance.
  2. All bookings must include the name of all Participants.
  3. A booking for a session with an official coach may be made two weeks in advance, except in August, when three days in advance is the rule; such coaching bookings, if made by the coach, must be made in the Member’s name and will appear in blue on the booking sheet.

  4. Members should ensure that any cancellation of a booking is made as soon as is possible.

  5. No visitor may use the Court in the absence of an introducing Member. The introducing Member must enter the name of the visitor in the booking or, if booking via the app, email with the name(s) of the visitor(s) and shall pay a playing fee of £1 per visitor.
  6. Collection of playing fees will be made, as the case may be, via the online booking system or by the Hon. Treasurer from time to time.
  7. No one may play as a visitor on more than 5 occasions each year.
  8. Coaches employed by Members should be recorded as visitors; however the 5 occasions each year restriction will be waived for official coaches, as will be the requirement to make payment of a Visitors Fee in respect of that Professional / LTA Registered Coach.
  9. Correct tennis footwear must be worn on the Court at all times.