April - Debut James Young events
Thu, 08 Mar 2018 00:00

We are excited to host 2 new events on the 2018 calendar. Recognising the talent across James Young and Hatton programmes developed in its early years we are making sure we offer many quality opportunities throughout the year to compete on both singles, doubles and team fronts.
In 2018, we are offering our busiest calendar yet for our juniors to experience the challenge/fun of competing against a familiar/friendly face.
Debut events
1)Wednesday April 11th 6.30-8pm -
James Young Doubles Championship (11 + years) - American Timed Doubles Competition - 90 mins of constant doubles action. Adapted rules to ensure quick play. Small prizes for winners.
£5 per player.
2)Friday 13th April 6.30-8pm (11+ years) -
James Young Spring Time Slam - we will showcase what a beautiful venue JY can be with up to 6 courts of singles action. Competition aimed at those in need of match practice to back up all of those coaching hours. All about fun, lots of action in short space of time against players of similar experience. Small prizes for the winners.
£5 per player
I am hoping to fill up the courts in the first of many events at James Young.
All entries to eoinswantennis@live.co.uk please ASAP