Throughout January and February we have been delivering schools tennis at local primary school. Thank you to Kirkewton, Calderwood and Williamson Primaries for hosting us so far.
Here are some term time classes for our school players to lead into, all players are welcome to a free trial week. Please contact eoinswantennis@gmail.com to set this up or for booking link to any of the following group sessions.
Cost for all group sessions £6.30 per player per hour, so for example a school term of 10 weeks would be £63. This does change each week according to term length.
James Young High
Monday 4-5pm Red ball (5-9 years) * starts after February Break
Eoin Swan Tennis / Coaching / Course (lta.org.uk)
Monday 5-6pm Orange and Green Ball (10-13 years) * starts after February Break
Eoin Swan Tennis / Coaching / Course (lta.org.uk)
Tuesday 4-5pm Red Ball (5-9 years)
Eoin Swan Tennis / Coaching / Course (lta.org.uk)
Tuesday 5-6pm Orange and Green Ball (10-13 years)
Eoin Swan Tennis / Coaching / Course (lta.org.uk)
Friday 2-3pm Red Ball (5-9 years)
Friday 3-4pm Orange and Green Ball (10-13) years
Saturday 9-10am Red Ball (5-9 years) *Waiting list
Saturday 10-11am Orange and Green Ball (10-13 years) * Waiting list.
Hatton Sports Club
* please note all players need to be a member of Hatton Sports Club to attend here Join us - Hatton Sports Club
Friday 2-3pm Red Ball (5-9 years) starts after February Break
Friday 3-4pm Orange and Green Ball (10-13 years)
Saturday 12-1pm Red Ball (5-9 years)
Saturday 1-2pm Orange and Green Ball (Orange and Green Ball)
EASTER CAMPS - we are running Open (non members and members camp at Easter). Details in link below