2024/25 Membership
Benefits Of Membership
- Belonging to a friendly, not for profit club.
- Well maintained facilities including floodlit courts.
- Safe environment for juniors (DBS, LTA qualified coaches).
- Organised club sessions (balls provided by club).
- Opportunity for competitive tennis both within the club and against other local teams.
The club uses the LTA ClubSpark system and memberships need to be purchased via this website (using the options below). It is very simple and allows you to pay online. Signing up for a membership also allows you to book courts through the website, or even by downloading the ClubSpark app! To buy your membership there are a couple of simple things to do:
- Select the membership option below
- Sign in (if you already have a ClubSpark membership from booking children onto coaching) / Alternatively, sign up for a ClubSpark account, or sign in using your LTA account.
- Select payment by Online transfer which is facilitated by GoCardless (you will need to create a GoCardless user account and then it will ask for sort code and account number - it takes payment and is a secure way to pay, this is a one off payment and does not auto renew
- Make sure that you have memberships for everyone in the family - either individually or as a family membership (but please add each family member to that. Juniors or mini players doing coaching should also have the appropriate club membership.
- Please make sure that the information is complete and accurate - including D.O.B.
It really is that simple - you are signing up for a fixed year, it will not auto-renew the following year, but you will have the option to choose to renew your membership then.
Assuming your payment processes successfully you will be sent a 'welcome' email providing an access code for the gate and other relevant information.
Please Note:
It is a condition of membership of Fairford Tennis Club and use of the club’s facilities that all users agree to comply with the club’s Rules (approved by the Committee) and all relevant policies and procedures – Copies of these can be found on the Documents page: https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/FairfordTennisClub/Documents
Current Membership Rates (Membership Year Runs to 31 March 2025)
Adult – Single – £90
Adult – Double (both living at same address) – £160
Family (2 adults at same address + any/all children under 25) – £180
Student/Youth/Young Adult (Under 25) – £35
Junior – Primary (Under 11) – £18
Parent of junior upfront fee (to enable our junior memberships to have a hit with a parent. Members only) – £18 pre-paid
Defibrillator Donation – One-off Donation – £5 - A one-off donation to support to ongoing costs of the FTC defibrillator. Any donations would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
If you have any queries about membership or the process please contact Harry at fairfordtennismembership@gmail.com
Don't forget you can also order Fairford Tennis Club clothing and help support the club. See
Adult Double 24/25
01/03/2024- 31/03/2025
Two adults from the same household. Direct Debit is a secure one off payment
Eligibility: Please ensure you have read our code of conduct and safeguarding policies
Adult Single 24/25
01/03/2024- 31/03/2025
Single Adult Membership. Direct Debit is a secure one off payment
Family Membership 24/25
01/03/2024- 31/03/2025
2 adults and any children under 25. Direct Debit is a secure one off payment
Eligibility: Please ensure you have read our code of conduct and safeguarding policies
Junior 24/25
01/03/2024- 31/03/2025
Under 11 years of age. Direct Debit is a secure one off payment
Eligibility: Please ensure you have read our code of conduct and safeguarding policies
Mid Season Single 24-25
01/09/2024- 31/03/2025
Membership for Single Adult member from September 2024 until 31 March 2025
Q1 - 25 Family
17/12/2024- 31/03/2025
Mid Season Offer for those joining the club Dec 24 - April 25
Q1 25 Adult
01/01/2025- 31/03/2025
Q1 2025 Adult Membership, Jan-Mar 2025
Eligibility: -
Student/Youth/Young Adult 24/25
01/03/2024- 31/03/2025
Under 25 years of age. Direct Debit is a secure one off payment
Eligibility: Please ensure you have read our code of conduct and safeguarding policies
Visitors/Parents of Juniors upfront Fees 24/25
01/03/2024- 31/03/2025
For parent of Junior member to enable child to practise (up to 6 visits)
Eligibility: Members only