Club AGM 2021/22

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Fairford Tennis Club will take place BY ZOOM on WEDNESDAY 16TH FEBRUARY 2022, starting at 7.30 p.m.


1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. To approve the Minutes of previous AGM on 10th February 2021

4. Matters Arising

5. Chairman’s Report

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Election of Officers and Committee -

In accordance with the Constitution, nominations are required for the posts of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Men’s and Ladies Captains together with other officers responsible for fundraising, social activities, junior tennis and coaching. It is understood that 8 of the 9 current Committee members are willing to stand again (maximum 12 currently allowed). Nominations will be taken formally at the meeting unless received beforehand. (Members may also be co-opted onto the Committee.)

8. Appointment of Auditor (Nominated: Richard Black)

9. LTA and League affiliation – To note that we have registered/are registering with the Gloucestershire LTA for the current year and the Swindon & District Winter and Summer Leagues.

10. Subscriptions:

i) To consider proposals for and agree Subscriptions for 2020-21 and agree principles for and/or delegate authority to the Committee to determine fees for part-year and temporary membership, visitors fees and non-member coaching fees.

ii) To agree approach in the event of further disruption due to COVID-19.

(Current rates: Adult single/double £70/£125, Secondary School/Youth/Young Adult (under 25) £25, Junior/Primary (under 11) 1st child £15, Family (2 adults + any/all children under 25) £140, Parent of junior upfront fee (to enable junior members to have a hit with a parent. Members only) £12)

11. Resolutions:

i) To agree in principle to the refurbishment of the courts and associated facilities and agree that the Committee may negotiate the necessary funding, agreements and contracts including any over the value of £7500, provided that any borrowing shall be subject to the provisions of the Constitution, and/or to agree that the Committee may borrow up to an increased limit (to be specified).

ii) Any other resolutions submitted to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the meeting

12. Any Other Business – To include:

a) Fund-raising ideas

b) Request for volunteers for the annual Spring working party on Saturday 9th April (t.b.c.)