Farmborough Parish Council would like to continue to ensure all parishioners with in the boundaries of the village are able to use the MUGA free of charge, in order for this to happen we are asking parishioners to join via this portal, so your name and home address can be registered.
All other users can book a court for £7.00/hr.
Junior Parishioner
12 months membership
A FREE Membership for the junior parishioners of the village of Farmborough.
Eligibility: Any junior 12-15 yrs who is resident in Farmborough.
12 months membership
A FREE Membership for the parishioners of the village of Farmborough
Eligibility: All adults 18+ with a home address in Farmborough
Young Adult Parishioner
12 months membership
A membership for young adults living in Farmborough
Eligibility: Any young adult aged 16-17 yrs resident in Farmborough