The Club AGM, will be at 7pm, Monday 29th November, at the Pavilion.
CLICK HERE to download the AGM Notice
You will see the nominations that have so far been received for most of the Committee positions and that we are proposing to amend the Constitution to allow for a bigger Committee, to share more widely the responsibilities of running the Club.
We are still looking for a Secretary for the Club, a position that has been vacant for a couple of years, and would also welcome volunteers to help with a number of different roles, including Match Secretary, Court Maintenance Supervisor and Roll up Co-ordinator. These roles would not necessarily require Committee membership and would involve very little time commitment. Job descriptions for these roles are available on request.
If you would like to nominate yourself or anyone else (with their permission) for any of the Committee positions or volunteer for any of these other roles please contact Tom Plant on by no later than Monday 22nd November.