
FLTC History Book

 The Official FLTC History book is about to hit the shelves...

We have produced a book on the history of our club. It is 84 pages of wonderful memories and statistics. It is priced at only £10 (unless you want it posting) and details of how to purchase are as follows: (it will also be available at the AGM)


If you would like a copy posted out to you, the cost is:

 £10 plus £3.70  p & p  = £13.70

All monies go directly into the tennis club and any surplus after printing costs will be used to fund new facilities.

How to order by post:

Please pay £13.70 into our club bank and email me ( with your home address and I will send your copy through the post.

Formby Lawn Tennis Club (business account)



Ref: Book/your surname

How to collect in person:

If you live close by and you can collect the book in person

  • Please email me ( and let me know when you can pop round to collect your copy. My address is  89 Gores Lane, Formby, L37 7DE  (diagonally opposite the tennis club)
  • You can also pay by cash when you collect or pay electronically with the details above.

Or pick up a copy at the AGM on the 9th November.

Thank you in advance and I hope you enjoy the book,
