
Doubles Tennis is Back

Following the announcement from the Prime Minister on Thursday and guidance from the LTA, doubles tennis is now allowed as from Monday 1st June. In addition, all courts will be open every day at 9am but as our groundsman will be working, please ensure that social distancing is strictly observed.

The one-way system is now up and running and our thanks to all those who have been involved by making our club a safer venue to play tennis. Please use the exit through the security gate (in-between courts 4 and 5) and walk out along the grass verge perimeter at the back of courts 1-4. The combination on the gate is the same as the main entrance (1824). However, should members see someone walking down the club entry the wrong way, they should wait until the entry is clear and avoid passing each other down the narrow path. They might also like to politely advise their fellow members to follow the one-way system in future!

The sanitisers are located at the entry and exit gates but are slightly fragile so please treat them gently! You have to push the button to release the gel. DO NOT PULL IT - it will break! We are trying to source some more robust dispensers, but the supply is limited.

If possible, please can you book courts 1-4 before booking court 5 and 6 when Joel is coaching on court 6. As you can imagine, it is difficult to keep the additional balls that he uses on the one court. Obviously if courts 1, 2, 3 and 4 are fully booked then members have access to court 5.

We would like to experiment by putting more sand on two of our courts. The advantage of excess sand is that it allows you to slide a little and it reduces fast stopping impact. It may not be suitable for our senior players who prefer sure footing and it is similar to the old-fashioned shale courts. The court numbers affected will probably be 5 and 6.

The Covid crisis continues to change at alarming rate so please continue to read these updates to make sure you are aware of the current situation. As a reminder and to help reduce any transmission of the virus, please adhere to the following:

All members must book courts and pay for visitors before play commences.

Take care when accessing the security gate and use a glove to push the buttons.

The wearing of gloves during play is advised

Do not have any contact with other group's possessions and do not share equipment.

No spectators, except for parents/guardians or carers who must remain outside the court enclosure.

The clubhouse will remain CLOSED

Players should not change ends in between games, avoid contact and observe a 2-metre spacing at all times.

Avoid touching your face.

Use as few tennis balls as possible and new balls are preferable.

Activity should only take place where travel to and from the courts can be done in a way compliant with social distancing advice.

When you arrive home, wash your hands and equipment thoroughly.

Anyone who is unwell should stay away from the club for at least 14 days.

This is a constantly changing landscape and the committee is continually reviewing all directives which will be communicated to members as soon as possible.

Stay safe everyone, use your common sense, and enjoy playing tennis.

We are always looking to increase our membership and would like all members to ask their friends and family if they would like to join our friendly club. Tennis is one of the few sports allowed and is a great way to keep fit and meet new friends, so please encourage anyone you know to join us at Formby Lawn Tennis Club. Please contact Gerd by email

Talking to friends is the old-fashioned way so please embrace the future and encourage new members by using social media.

Please can everyone take 5 minutes to write a short review of the Tennis Club on either or both of the following please:

Google Review - Click on the link and leave a Google review everyone can do this!

And if you use Facebook please leave a review here:

Facebook Review

The benefit to the club is huge in terms of attracting new members and make FLTC stand-out from the other local sports club.