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2017 FTC AGM

Welcome to March!  We are very much looking forward to the new season beginning. This is just to cordially invite you to the Freshford Tennis Club AGM on Thursday, 16th March at 8pm.  We'll be convening in the clubhouse next to the courts. Below is a general agenda, but the discussion is usually pretty free-wheeling. Your input as a club member is greatly valued, and there will be wine and nibbles! We will try and keep things as brief and to the point as possible.


1. Apologies
2. Minutes of 2015 AGM
3. Matters arising
4. Chairman’s report
5. Treasurer's report
6. Match Captains’ reports
7. Coach’s report
8. Infrastructure update
9. Election of committee
10. Any other business
11. Draw for Wimbledon tickets

Wimbledon ticket draw
Just to remind you, to be included in the draw, you need to A. be a British Tennis Member, B. Have Opted-in for this year, and C. have paid your subs by the AGM.  The deadline has now passed for this year for Opting-in.

Grateful thanks to the many of you who have already paid their subs on-line via the web-site.  This really helps us, as your payment automatically updates your membership details.  All you need in order to pay is your bank account number and sort code.

Hope to see you on the 16th!  Details coming soon of the season's diary dates and Coach Ron's next tournament...

Gary Parker FTC Chairman