
Club News

Christmas Party Friday 8th December 2023

❖    This year promises to be another great night. Everyone is welcome so don't miss out. Friday 8th December. Hallow Parish Hall. 7pm to midnight.

❖    Canapes and fizz, followed by a sumptuous 2 course dinner.

❖    Dancing to the very popular girl band ‘’Big Sister’’ with tunes to get the dance floor buzzing.

❖    Dress code ‘Sparkle’.

❖    Tickets £45 (all welcome - singles, couples or tables of any size). 

❖    Payment to Hallow Lawn Tennis Club 40-47-17 #00416568 Ref: your name. Once you have paid please contact Sue Martyn-Smith on 07967 487 490 to confirm your booking and any special dietary requirements. 

❖    All proceeds going towards HLTC court resurfacing.