

"Muffler" Tournament - 2020

YE OLDE MUFFLER (and a bit of youth)

New Year 2020 was a time to celebrate and make merry.  Harbury Tennis Club brewed up mulled wine (in Caroline Morland’s travelling slow cooker) and a record 18 participants contributed to a feast.

For the first time in two years we were able to play on the nominated day, albeit quite cold, but the rain held off and there was no sign of frost or snow.

By popular demand we did play ‘lets’ even though there were many less popular ‘sudden death’ points to contend – but it did mean that we could get the 19 matches completed on time.

Results of the Round Robin groups were extremely close with Caroline Morland and Simon Garratt being edged out of the semi-finals at the last minute by Emma Brangwin and Andy Smith, who then made it to the final.

The other semi-final had the battle of the Marshalls (Steve accompanied by Andrew Cook), and Josh playing with Keith Thompson).  The younger Marshall pairing won through.

By this time Emma and Andy were playing their fourth match in a row – a quick swig of mulled wine and they were re-fortified.

The final was a triumph of age.

The youngest and oldest players (as pointed out by Helen Cooper) were a perfect combination of agility and cunning – and may not have imbibed as much mulled wine.

So, ye Olde Muffler (Keith) took the honours with a bit of youth (Josh).