

  1. Payment and uptake of Harling Sportspark Membership implies acceptance of our Terms and Conditions.
  2. If accepting the Terms & Conditions of Harling Sportspark as a parent/carer on behalf of a Mini or Junior member, all clauses apply to their membership.
  3. Your annual membership starts on the date of purchase and ends on the renewal date as shown when joining and paying for membership online
  4. There is a non refundable joining fee of £2.20 per swipecard to cover the cost of the swipe card (paid as part of your membership). 
  5. Your membership cannot be cancelled during this period irrespective of a change to your personal circumstance.
  6. Every adult member will receive a membership swipe card which must be used to access the courts. Members must carry their cards whilst using Harling Sportspark. Replacement cards will be subject to a fee of £10. 
  7. The membership is not transferable and must only be used by the registered member. Any misuse of membership will result in the membership being cancelled.
  8. Harling Sportspark reserve the right to cancel any membership in breach of the code of conduct which in their view is offensive or represents a health and safety danger 
  9. Membership entitles a member to full use of the courts during opening hours. Facility opening times are available on the website and are subject to change throughout the year
  10. For the safety of our young players, and to safeguard our premises, players of 15 years and under will need to be accompanied by an adult member when playing on the courts outside Club Sessions. A parent or guardian can take out a Parent Membership if they do not wish to be a full adult member – this package allows one adult per court to knock-about with a child. The Parent Member will be issued the membership swipecard.
  11. Members taking up Family and Couple packages must input the data for all the individuals under that package.  One swipe-card will be issued for each type of membership package - additional cards can be purchased.




  1. At the end of play it is essential members check the Courts are safely locked up and the tennis nets slackened a little.
  2. Only non-marking, non-ridged tennis shoes should be used on the courts – players will be asked to leave the courts if they are not wearing appropriate shoes.
  3. Players should wear suitable clothing for tennis.
  4. The court surface may occasionally soften during hot weather. If this happens, play must be stopped and the courts locked. Please notify us via the email address if this happens




  1. Toilets and changing rooms are part of EHSSC (East Harling Sports and Social Club) not Harling Sportspark.
  2. Please respect these areas and leave them clean and tidy.
  3. The clubhouse and bar is run by the EHSSC (East Harling Sports and Social Club) not Harling Sportspark. 
  4. Membership of Harling Sportspark does not equate to membership of the sports and social club and separate membership will need to be purchased




  1. Junior members 15 years and under are not permitted to use courts after 6.30pm in the evenings.
  2. Junior members can book for 60 minutes of play. No additional bookings may be made until this session has passed.
  3. All junior users 15 years and under must be accompanied by an adult member when using the courts outside of club Junior sessions. The adult or parent member is wholly responsible for the junior’s health, safety and wellbeing.
  4. Parents / Carers will be held liable for any damage caused by unsupervised Junior members.




  1. Members can book courts online 
  2. Members can book courts for up to 60 minutes at a time when the courts are not reserved for club sessions or tournaments.
  3. Each member may book up to a maximum of two sessions at any one time. Players are not permitted to have more than two un-played sessions booked at any one time.  
  4. Club sessions, tournaments and any special events will be marked on the court bookings sheets on our website as far in advance as possible.
  5. If a member has booked a court but not turned up to play within 15mins after the court booking time started, the court becomes free and other members can play on the court.
  6. To ensure members have the maximum opportunity to use the courts, members are asked to cancel their booking if they know they cannot play. Please do not book courts unless fully intending to play.
  7. Members may allow guests to play free-of-charge 5 TIMES a year, there is a charge of £5 per hour thereafter. Please do this by booking a pay as you play slot in the name of the person attending in the adjacent court on top of your free of charge member slot.



6. PAY AND PLAY for non-members

  1. Non-members can book courts online up to a week in advance but must give a minimum of 24 hours notice
  2. The cost to non members is £9/court/hour, payable online at the time of booking.
  3. When booking for the first time using the website, you will be asked to create a Clubspark account or sign in using your LTA/facebook/google details. This allows us to log you as a contact.
  4. Pay-and-Players will need a unique time-slot code to the lock which will be provided via email to gain entry to the courts.
  5. Once a pay-and-play booking has been made online an email confirmation will be sent which will include this code.
  6. In the unlikely event that the code is not recieved, use the contact details are available on the Harling Sportspark website.



  1. We have our own coaching provision so players should not bring their own coaches on-court




  1. No floodlighting is currently in place at Harling Sportspark therefore we do not curently allow play after dusk / dark.




  1. The membership fee stated is due from the member to Harling Sportspark and is payable upon inception of this agreement. Any portion of the membership fee will only be refundable in the event of us being unable to provide you with the membership services. Such refund would be calculated on a pro-rata basis to the break in services experienced.
  2. Harling Sportspark review the pricing of membership on an annual basis and you will be notified of any changes to your membership amount at least 30 days in advance.




  1. You agree to advise Harling Sportspark immediately of any change to your Personal Details.
  2. You agree to comply with the rules of membership which are displayed prominently in the club and relate to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. We may make reasonable changes to these rules at any time.
  3. We may assign the benefit of this agreement and our rights there under to a third party on notice to you.
  4. This agreement is governed by English Law.
  5. We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notice to you if you are in breach of the Club’s rules.




  1. We reserve the right to close the club or areas of the club from time to time at our discretion. e.g. for maintenance repairs, refurbishment, cleaning and local emergencies.
  2. To meet our funding and sponsorship agreements we may occasionally sublet the facilities during non-peak times. Members will be given plenty of notice.
  3. Opening hours are subject to change by giving advance notice where reasonably practicable.




  1. Harling Sportspark will not be liable to you for any loss, damage or theft of personal property brought onto our premises.
  2. Harling Sportspark has Public Liability Insurance but this does not cover personal injury while playing tennis.
  3. Members are advised not to play in adverse weather conditions.




  1. At Harling Sportspark, our main goal is for our players to feel welcome and enjoy tennis regardless of their ability or age.
  2. Harling Sportspark is an inclusive club, run by volunteers.
  3. Members and visitors must be mindful of the time and effort committee members and the coach contribute to running the club and request that the club’s values of trust, respect and shared responsibility are adopted by all.  
  4. We ask you to please raise any issues or queries you have about Harling Sportspark with any committee member.
  5. Harling Sportspark members and visitors will not discriminate or in any way, treat anyone less favourably on grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or belief, ability or disability.
  6. Harling Sportspark will ensure it treats people fairly and with respect and that it will provide access and opportunities for all members of the community to take part in and enjoy its activities.
  7. We are a family friendly club so appropriate language must be used at all times.
  8. All equipment must be treated with respect, all footwear must be appropriate for outdoor courts and food or drink on court (except plastic water bottles) is forbidden.
  9. There must be no smoking, use of drugs or alcohol on court at any time.
  10. If sharing the courts, please be respectful of others.
  11. No dogs are allowed on the courts.
  12. Members and/or visitors must lock the Tennis Hut and courts if the last person to leave.
  13. Harling Sportspark operates a zero tolerance policy against intimidation, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual. This includes sexual or racially based harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal. Any abusive or threatening language will also not be tolerated. The club will work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it occurs.




  1. We reserve the right to take photographs of our facilities, which may include you, for press and promotional purposes. Please let us know if you wish to be excluded from any photographs.


Compliance with the rules of the LTA and the Association. In consideration for being able to use the facilities, all persons using these facilities agree: (a) to be bound by and subject to the rules of the Association (as in force from time to time); and (b) to be bound by and subject to the rules and disciplinary code of the LTA (or such successor entity or entities as become(s) the governing body of the game of lawn tennis from time to time) as in force from time to time. All persons using these facilities acknowledge that the above is intended to be enforceable by the LTA and/or the Association directly or by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.