Harlow LTC Fun Summer Activity Holiday Course

The Club has successfully run over many years the Summer Holiday Courses.

All our Coaches and staff are LTA Qualified, CRB Checked and First Aid trained.

The fun Summer Holiday Course is for all levels and abilities for Ages 8 to 15 ranging from  Mini Tennis Red, Orange & Green to Full Court,  where you can learn new Tennis skills and participate in fun drills, games and matchplay.

The Course runs over 3 days.

First 2 days of each course bring a packed Lunch, Day 3 of each course the Club provides a free  BBQ.  The Tuck Shop & Cafe will be open where you can purchase snacks, sweets and drinks during the Holiday Courses.

To enrol your child online please access the link below.

For more information please email Will Calvert at: harlow.ltc@btopenworld.com