Becoming a member has a number of benefits at Hartlepool Lawn Tennis Club:
- Court fees included
- Ability to book courts further in advance
- Social sessions
- Ability to play competitive tennis in county leagues
- Whatsapp groups to arrange play with other members
- Discounted coaching fees
If you are a new member or would like to be reminded of your membership benefits at Hartlepool, please download the Club's Welcome Letter (oftened referred to as our Welcome Pack).
- Three daytime social sessions open to all members
- A weekly club night open to all members
Senior social tennis - 10am - 12pm
Senior social tennis - 1pm - 3pm
Senior social tennis 6pm - 8pm
Senior social tennis - 10am - 12pm
Senior social Tennis 2pm - 5pm
During the course of the year we hold a number of social/fundraising events. These are essential to the running, maintenanece and development of our club & facilities. We hope that these provide an opportunity for members, their friends & family and our residential neighbours/community to participate in wider Club activities. Please see the events tab for this years planned event.
There are opportunities to take part in competitive tennis all year round. We have club tournaments, team tennis in the Cleveland & NEWCL competitive leagues.
In the Cleveland Summer Leagues we enter 1 ladies and 3 mens teams and 1 mixed team. We also take part in the Cleveland Autumn Leagues, Veteran's (over 45) league & North East Winter Club League. If you would like further information please contact either our ladies or mens A team captains.
To take part in league tennis you must attend relevant team practice sessions, be selected by the team captain and pay match fees.
From 2022 there will be changes to the way the Cleveland League is organised. They are moving to the LTA's league planner platform where they can record and display league results and tables. This allows players to easily find results and tables. It allows team captains to easily update results online, with no need to submit match cards. It also means there is less work for league volunteers.
As a result of this players MUST sign up for LTA Advantage membership AND register for a WTN number. It is completely free but if you do not do this you will NOT be able to play league matches. A WTN number is like a golf handicap. Everyone gets a ranking between 1 (highest) and 40 (lowest) based on the information you enter. League results go towards this ranking. Please view the following guide on how to do this on the website
The system will impact a number of things, including the way captains log results, and more information will be published in time.