Safeguarding 2024

Hazel Grove Bowling & Tennis Club

Safeguarding Policy Statement

  1. The Hazel Grove Bowling & Tennis Club aims to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors/adults who wish to take part in tennis, bowls, other sport and social activities.
  2. The Club emphasises that all people have the right to be safe from harm and abuse. Abuse of any child/young person/adult by any Club Member will not be tolerated.
  3. The Club acknowledges that all people have the right to be treated with respect and for their concerns to be listened to and acted upon. To be aware that some children/adults with disabilities or impairments may be additionally vulnerable to abuse, neglect and bullying.
  4. The Club will ensure that junior/adult members have specific programmes and facilities to help them achieve their potential, with adequate supervision.
  5. The Club has procedures in place to help all people who request help or report abuse by an adult, which will be dealt with by the designated person or Club Secretary or the LTA Safeguarding Team. Issues will be addressed early and swiftly.
  6. The Club will ensure that any authorised coach for tennis and bowls will hold the relevant qualification or licence and any other coaching assistants are either licensed or have signed the relevant document. Any new coaching member for tennis or bowls will be DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) checked. Any members and volunteers working with young people are aware of and apply the LTA Code of Conduct for those working with young people in tennis.
  7. No photographs of children to be taken and used on social networking sites without the permission of a parent/guardian.
  8. The Club has a nominated adult member who is specifically responsible for young people. 

This person is Vicky Caroll 

Telephone: 07929 558037



If you require any Support... The LTA are here to support you and are keen to listen to any safeguarding concerns you may have. If you would like advice and support before contacting the LTA you can call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000, the police or your local authority. If you are a child or young person you can also contact Childline on 0800 1111.  If you have any problems completing the form or are unsure of whether to report something, you can contact them at