Our Committee

We also have a welcoming committee, made up of people who give up a modest amount of their free time to help the club thrive. As of June 2024 we have some open positions so if you or someone you know are interested in any of the following positions please get in touch with us.


Committee Openings (as of June 2024)

As of June 2024, the committee is made up of the following volunteers and key contacts. 


Daniel Barr - Membership Secretary

Dan manages all things membership and can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com or on 07880 498357


Tom Scott - Head Coach

Tom is our head coach, for full information please check out our coching page. Tom can be reached at info@mysportspro.co.uk or on 07795 562292


David Hunte - Club Secretary

David handles administration, to ensure the smooth running of the club. This is a key committe role that helps major with the efficiency and effectiveness of how the club is managed, including making records, correspondence and other communications. David can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com


John Tamplin - Facilities Manager

John handles all developments and issues related to the club's facilities. John can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com


Mike Puglsey - Treasurer

Mike is responsible for the management of finances for Henley Tennis Club. Mike can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com


Simon Perry - Social Secretary

Simon develops and organises the social events at the club. From our monthly pizza and socials, to quiz nights to big gala events! Simon can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com


James Cudd - Communications Officer

James looks after the Henely Tennis Club website and all email and other communicatiosn to club members.  James can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com


Natalie Wakefiled - Ladies Captain

Natalie manages the ladies team and is also active in our efforts around ladies and mixed coaching sessions. Natalie can be reached at henleytennisclub@gmail.com