Club Articles


Our New WhatsApp Community for Henley Tennis Club!

Streamlining the Fun: Introducing Our New WhatsApp Community for Henley Tennis!

Calling all our fantastic Henley Tennis members! We're thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new WhatsApp Community, designed to make staying connected and informed on all things tennis at the club easier than ever!

For a while now, we've all been juggling separate WhatsApp groups for different teams, social events, and announcements. While these groups have been great, we know it can be challening to keep track of everything.

That's where the Henley Tennis Club WhatsApp Community comes in! This exciting new feature will bring all your tennis-related WhatsApp groups together under one roof.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Everything in One Place: No more hopping between groups! Find team updates, social event details, and general club announcements all within the community, making it easier to stay in the loop.
  • Centralised Chat: Got a burning question? The community offers a dedicated space for general chat, allowing you to connect with fellow members from across the club.
  • Never Miss a Beat: Stay on top of key events with the ability to easily add upcoming tournaments, socials, and deadlines directly to the community calendar. This way, you'll always be in the know and ready to join the fun!

Seamless Transition and Data Privacy

The good news is, you don't have to do a thing! The groups you're currently a member of will be migrated to the new community soon, and you'll be automatically added. This means you won't miss a beat and can continue enjoying all your favourite conversations and updates.

We understand data privacy is important. Rest assured, the individual groups within the community will continue to function exactly as they always have. Your information and message history will remain private to those groups, just like before.

The Henley Tennis Club WhatsApp Community is all about creating a more connected, informed, and vibrant tennis experience for everyone. We're confident this new feature will make it easier than ever to stay involved and enjoy all that the club has to offer.

See you on the courts (and in the community)!