
Choose a Hereford Squash Tennis & Racketball Centre venue to visit

Walking Tennis

NEW SESSIONS-   Monday 1-2pm led by Neil Bates who has set up several groups in West Midlands

Come along Monday 22nd May at 1pm    or contact for further information

Walking tennis has arrived at HSTRC!!   Supported by a grant  from Hereford Council -the Get Active fund -5 sessions of coached walking tennis or pickleball were delivered  during May 2022 .   Players found this fun and sociable.   

If you would like to know more about this low impact version of tennis   please get in touch with

The Rules

Walking Tennis is played  outdoors on a traditional tennis court with softer bounce balls. The rules are not too far removed from the traditional game but have been adapted them to make the game more accessible to those less mobile for whatever reason.  (including recovery from operation etc)
No running or jumping is permitted.! Running or jumping is deemed to be when both feet leave the ground at the sametime. In Walking Tennis you can serve underarm or overarm. The main thing to remember is that the second bounce can land within the tramline (doubles court).   You can volley and lob.
In Walking Tennis you have an OPTION of a second bounce. However if the second bounce lands outside of the court (singles lines for singles and doubles line for doubles), the ball is deemed to be out. 

Get to understand how to play and see some videos by going to Walking Tennis Associations website.

The main thing is to enjoy it!