We are delighted that by following LTA and government advice we have been able to open the courts again for play on 15th May 2020.
Our Covid Rules for safe play are as follows; please be aware that these will need to be adjusted as the Covid picture continues to change. Members will be updated accordingly via email. The health and wellbeing of our members remains our absolute priority, and relies on players following the rules.
Hingham Tennis Covid Rules
· All activity should be consistent with the government guidance regarding health, travel, social distancing and hygiene at all times
· IMPORTANT: Do not leave your home to play tennis if Government advice means you should stay at home because you or someone you live with has or has had symptoms of COVID-19, or you are in the most vulnerable category and have been advised to shield from the coronavirus.
· The Hut will remain closed and, as the sports hall is closed, there are no toilet or hand washing facilities. Please wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water before departing for the courts and again as soon as you arrive home. The water is switched off so there is also no outdoor tap for use.
· Please bring alcohol gel and antibacterial wipes; you MUST use this before and after play and wipe the padlock, gate and any other areas you have touched as you leave.
· The LTA advice is that all common touchpoint areas must be regularly wiped- because our Hingham Tennis courts are unmanned this must be the responsibility of players- please bring gloves to use when opening/closing and wiping the gate /other touch surfaces and using the padlock.
· The newly installed nets will be left up for now so no need to touch or slacken the net after use (the winders will be removed)
· Please bring your own clearly marked balls. As both courts may be in use and balls may cross over courts, please only push them back with racket or feet and take care not to handle balls that do not belong to you.
· The first aid box will be located in the flood light box in case it is needed by players (please wipe down if touched).
· Access to the courts will be via the side gate which has a keycode-padlock, this code will be emailed to you when you book online with your booking confirmation.
· Please arrive 5 minutes after your hour-slot starts and leave 5 minutes before it ends; this is to avoid cross over with the next booking. Avoid waiting outside the courts and always maintain the 2m distance. Only players are permitted on court- no spectators please.
· Please avoid using public transport or sharing transport to the venue with players not forming part of your household.
· Two players from different households can play singles as long as they are careful and able to maintain at least 2m social distancing.
· Doubles can ONLY be played if all 4 players are from the same household.
· If you do change ends on court then players should not pass the same end of the net (or simply avoid changing ends)
· Play is currently for existing MEMBERS ONLY; pay-and-play is currently on hold and please do not invite guests until further notice
· Please do not hang around and chat after play ends and maintain social distancing during and after play.
· Please don't bring your children to play if you think they will get over excited or not understand the importance of social distancing (the same goes for adults!!).
· Floodlights will not be in operation, apologies. The distribution and use of tokens adds an extra complexity at this time and we need to keep things simple
15th May 2020