About the club

Hingham Tennis opened in May 2016 following the transformation of a dilapidated and unused space into an active tennis club for Hingham and the surrounding villages. This work was quickly recognised and Hingham Tennis received the LTA Club of the Year Award in 2016-17.
Hingahm Tennis continues to thrive and we are fortunate to have over 150 members of all ages and abilities.
Hingham Tennis would not have been possible without Lindsey Read, Emily Cary and Simon Underhill who helped raise £91,0000 through the Inspired Facilities grant via Sport England and we will always say a HUGE thank you to them for their determination and hard work.
We have also had lots of incredible support from many charities, trusts, local businesses and individuals, and we'd like to publicly say a BIG thank you to them too!
A C Bacon Engineering http://www.acbacon.co.uk
Norfolk Steel Buildings http://www.norfolksteelbuildings.co.uk/home
Hicks Flooring http://www.hfloor.co.uk
Abel Homes http://www.abelhomes.co.uk
Hingham Bakery
Bliindz.com https://www.bliindz.com
Hingham Sports & Deep Tissue Massage https://www.hinghamsportsmassage.co.uk
Hingham Eggs
4 Sports Kitshop https://www.4sportskitshop.co.uk/SearchResults.asp?Cat=1994
A C Leigh - swipe access system http://www.acleigh.co.uk
Black Swan Systems
South Norfolk Neighbourhood Fund Grant
Hingham Town Council
Hingham Playing Fields Association
Love Norfolk Fund
Saracen's Norfolk Fund
Geoffrey Watling Charity
The Wayland Agricultural Society
South Norfolk Go For It Grant
Daniel Connal Partnership
EDP Community Chest